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Thursday, May 25, 2006

The Rasmus: F-F-Falling

Random people are trying to rap beside me. This is a strange occurrence. RAP IS NOT FUN. Not fun for me. I will hit you with a fish if you rap. Stop it, you dumbass. Now I break out the ninja skillz. So talking to myself isn’t the best way to convince anyone that I am sane. I should have known better. You know how it feels when some dumbass beside you keeps biting your elbow? It hurts. Of course you don't know how it feels. I should bite your elbow.

"Sorry, sorry I cant seem to control myself my unckel died, i have a fuzzy croch and i am just a lil you know drunk so sorry to any one i have harmed r hurt physicaly(sp) so umm, thank you cleavleand good night"

Okay, so that's the best I'm going to get. You know, you're an irritating little emo, but I still like you. You ass.

"thats funny, but ua, im still intrested in seeing your undergarmens..."

Would you be happy if I told you that Winnie the Pooh is on my underwear?

"i could be happyer"

Well, I'm not telling you what they really look like, and you're not going to see them. No, sorry, well actually I'm not sorry, but still no. You can bite my pale ass.

Hah, I won rock-paper-scissors and you can't see my motherfuckin underwear. You ass.
And so ends another episode of wasting time with Ryan.

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