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Tuesday, March 27, 2007

"No, you can't stay mad at the setting sun."

A friend of mine was heart-breakingly upset today. A friend of his, or to be more precise, an ex-boyfriend, had been in the hospital. He had AIDS. He has just died, and my dear friend was broken up. I found him in a side hallway, silent and staring out the door. I was the only one in my group that went to talk to him. He fell apart, crying when I pulled him into a hug. Poor dear. He's afraid that he may have it, too. He can't tell his parents, they wouldn't understand. I don't think he's even out of the closet to them. I promised him that I'd look into finding him some place to get tested without his parents knowing. I told him that if he had anything, that I'd be there for him. He needs it. He was upset because the boy he likes, who is also a friend of mine, was not helping him through this. This other friend, though older than the first by a couple years, is markedly less mature. I told him that sometimes you need a friend, not a boyfriend. "He's just in it for the sex," I said, and he laughed. He was smiling when I left, so I'm not too worried, but I will find him later to make sure that he's alright.

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